Friday, October 5, 2007

The Amazing World Of Perfume

Almost every woman in the world has at some point opened a bottle of perfume and used it to complement her outfit and appearance. It says something about who we are and what we want out of life. If you don’t believe that, just watch some of the adverts on television.

Perfume is big business and millions of dollars are spent promoting and advertising the latest and biggest brands. Every perfume has its own image and that extends to the woman who wears it as well.

Making The Most Of Your Perfume

Most name brands are very expensive, so you’ll want to make the most of what you have. Some women spray a small amount onto a handkerchief and keep it in their handbag all day. If they always have their bag with them, the aroma of the perfume will always be noticeable around them.

Spray your perfume sparingly and make sure you spray it in the right places. The pulse points on your wrists are perhaps the most popular places, but there are other less obvious places that work equally as well too.

Spraying it on the backs of your knees is a good place, and many women opt to spray a little perfume in their cleavage. It all depends on your plans for the day!

A Lasting Scent?

Different types of perfume will last for different amounts of time. And it’s not only dependent on how strong the perfume is to begin with. It all depends on how much we perspire, what our individual skin type is like and how much we put on in the first place.

There are almost as many different opinions on how long a perfume will last as there are types of perfume itself. If the bottle is kept out of sunlight and away from heat sources then it should enjoy a very long life. So displaying your choice on top of your dresser might not be the best idea if it catches the sun every day!


Perfume can evoke very strong feelings and memories in all of us. Have you ever caught a familiar aroma in a shop or public place and turned round expecting to see an old friend or family member?

Smell is the sense most likely to trigger memories, and it’s quite common to associate a particular aroma with a certain person, even years after they have gone from our lives.

So wear your scent with pride. It says a lot about you.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What Is Organic About Organic Perfume?

We’ve grown accustomed to our food and cleaners being labeled organic – but perfume? How can perfume be organic perfume? And is organic perfume just as aromatic as inorganic perfume?

Organic Because

Perfumes can call themselves organic perfumes if their ingredients have been grown without growth hormones or in heavily chemical fertilizers. Most ingredients that make up perfumes are the essential oils of plants, resin, herb and tree bark. Animal extractions like ambergris (which is from whales) will not be found in organic perfume. Organic perfume is made only of the differing combinations of those essential oils, and without any synthetic perfumes. Most designer copy perfumes use synthetic chemical recreations of the original costly ingredients. And all organic perfume is cruelty-free, meaning it has not been tested on animals.

How Organic Is Organic

Because the organic industry is in its infancy, it is going through some growing pains. Not all countries can afford to have an organic certification system, although they might be grown according to organic standards. Some countries organic standards do not match other countries organic standards. But as more and more customers demand their beauty products as well as their food products to be organic, these kinks are sure to be smoothed out. You can still trust that an organic perfume is organic. Look at the ingredients to see if there is anything there you do not immediately recognize. There should just be essential oils, Vitamin E as a preservative and an alcohol base.

How Does It Compare

Organic perfumes are lighter and more subtle than synthetic perfumes. They are rarely ever overpowering like inorganic perfume. You may need to reapply organic perfume more often than inorganic perfume, but you won’t make any fellow passengers on a crowded elevator pass out. Some inorganic perfumes have ingredients to make the scent linger, but they also can be harsh on your skin. Some of the chemicals are thought to be carcinogens.

Organic perfumes may cost a little more than inorganic perfume, but you can be sure it is healthier for the environment and for yourself. If the demand is kept high, then eventually organic perfumes many become the norm and prices will drop. If you shop online for perfume, you will often be able to find sales or discount rates, because online stores don’t have as much expenses as real world stores. Some popular beauty stores like The Body Shop already sell organic perfumes for you to try.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Do the Perfume Boxes Really Matter?

If you are planning on buying perfume for a friend or family member, then you are possibly contemplating how to package it. Should you keep it in the box that it came in, or open it and present it in a decorative bag or wrapping? This may not seem like the most important decision, but how you present a gift is really an incredibly important aspect to the presentation of it all overall, and so you really want to make the best impression that you can, especially if it is for someone extra special.

Perfume Boxes

Perfume boxes are typically the standard type of perfume packaging, and so when you go out to a typical perfume store and purchase a fragrance, you will generally simply receive it in the box that it was sent in to the store from the manufacturer. Some perfume boxes can be incredibly beautiful, particularly those that come with the more high quality and expensive perfumes, however there are also some which are a little shabby or cheap looking, and this is where the question of whether you should keep the perfume boxes comes into play.

Basically, you just have to use your own sense of style and your own opinion. If you think that you would consider the perfume boxes cheesy if you received them as a gift, then you most likely will want to decide on another form of presentation for your gift, however if the perfume boxes seem classy or high quality to you, then you will want to keep the packaging in this manner.

Another great idea, although a little on the cheapish side, is if you buy a less expensive perfume, you can always put it in a more expensive looking box, so that it seems as if you paid more for the perfume itself. You can even throw a gold or silver colored bow on top of the box in order to top it all off.

Although wrapping paper is typically acceptable for most other presents, it is something that you generally want to steer clear of when it comes to perfumes, mainly because it takes away a lot of the appeal in general. Even if you find the finest looking wrapping paper, it is still going to make the gift seem not as mature, and particularly if you are buying the perfume for a lover or employer, you are going to want it to look as professional and high class as possible.

An Introduction to the Perfume Emporium Company

The Perfume Emporium Company, although still not particularly well-known or well-established, is an absolutely wonderful and worthwhile fragrance selling company. The Perfume Emporium is a company that was started in the year 1999, by two brothers who, although were incredibly hard working and determined, were able to bring their dream of an online beauty store alive.

The History of the Perfume Emporium Company

Their mission is, and always has been right from the beginning, to satisfy each and every customer by providing personalized service and great prices. The Perfume Emporium knows that they may not have the big bucks that other more popular perfume companies have, but they do have dedication and care for their customers and that is what they are really concerned with.

They carry only the original designer fragrances, and so you do not have to worry about sifting through the fakes, and they aim to have the lowest possible prices on the Internet, so you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank to buy your favorite fragrance, as you do with so many other places.

You can either go directly in to their retail store, which is located in Santa Ana, California, or, if you do not live in the California area, you are still able to buy from them by going on the Internet, as they offer the availability of ordering directly from their website. They accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover credit cards via their secure online ordering system.

Return Policy

The Perfume Emporium offers a great return policy, as they state that if you are for any reason not satisfied with your purchase you can return it within 30 days of the purchase date and they will promptly process your request and refund your money, less shipping and handling charges of course, although there will be a 15% restocking fee on all opened or used items.

You can also be assured in the knowing that they take your personal information very seriously, and they have the proper security measures in place which proves this. All of their online transactions are protected by their secured server software, and as well, their latest industry standard military grade 128 bit encryption technology will be their standard in terms of working to protect your credit card information and keep your transaction details secure.

The Perfume Emporium is, quite clearly, an absolutely fabulous company, one that takes the customers into full view, and which strives to make their purchasing processes the easiest and most enjoyable that they can be.

Breathe Deep: All About Women’s Perfume

What makes women’s perfumes different from men’s fragrances (perfumes)? Besides being in different places in stores? Does it make a difference if men wear women’s perfumes and women wear men’s perfumes…oops…I mean, men’s fragrances. Actually, yes; it does make a difference if you wear women’s perfume or not.


Aromatherapy is making a comeback after generations. Specific smells trigger powerful emotions and memories in each person. They can excite or calm. Smells were considered the way to communicate with gods and spirits. Many churches and places of worship today include burning of special sacred scents like frankincense. The prayers of the faithful were seen to ride the smoke up to God. Some Pagans, historical and modern, use carefully chosen scents to communicate with spirits and whomever they choose to influence. Sometimes they even use women’s perfume in magic spells and enchantments.

Some scents are considered masculine and some considered feminine. Some of this may be due to tradition and our noses being conditioned by Madison Avenue, but a lot of is due to the way scents react to our body’s chemistry. Men have a different body chemistry and different smell than a woman. That might not sound to politically correct, but there you have it.

Smells Like A Woman

There are tried and true ingredients that are seen again and again in women’s perfume. Floral fragrances are considered feminine. Citrus fruits are also considered feminine. Some spicy or musky scents like marjoram or benzoin are also considered feminine. The essential oils of all of these are added in different combinations to make up different women’s perfumes. Usually, though, women’s perfumes are anchored with floral scents making up the majority of the perfume formula.

Some scents are considered unisex. Vanilla is a great example, considered an aphrodisiac to both sexes. Then, there is “musk”, which was originally from the glands of the civet cat and now, thankfully, is synthesized. Frankincense also is a frequent ingredient. They often show up in both women’s perfume and men’s fragrances.

Then there are scents considered especially male. They include spicy, smoky, nutty and woody scents like patchouli, cedar wood, cypress, sandalwood and menthol. They seem to blend especially well with the (shall we say) unique smell of a man. Some men’s fragrances are even made to blend with wood smoke or cigarette smoke.
When trying on women’s perfume, just use a little dab on the underside of your wrists. Sniff the top notes of the perfume and then leave it on a while. This way you discover the perfume’s lingering and true scent.

Learning About Victoria Secret Perfume

Women love the bathing suits, lingerie, and footwear that the Victoria Secret Company has to offer, but what about the Victoria Secret perfume? Surprisingly enough, even with the intense popularity of the Victoria Secret Company overall, not many people actually know that they even offer a fragrance line.

There are actually a number of different fragrances that you can choose from, each which has their own separate qualities and scent notes, and so regardless of your own personal style and taste, you are sure to be able to find one that suits you perfectly. All the Victoria Secret perfume options are classy, sexy, and feminine – perfect for the everyday, confidant, and classic woman.

Your Victoria Secret Perfume Options

One of the favorites by far when it comes to the various Victoria Secret perfume options is the Victoria Secret Pink Perfume, which is one that is a fun and yet sophisticated and invigorating scent, one that offers an incredibly fun mixture of artemesia, neroli flower, peony, freesia, bergamot, mandarin, violet leaves, juniper berry and muguet.

Another of the favorites is Rapture, which is classified as being a luxurious fragrance, one that is an incredibly feminine scent which possesses a blend of exotic florals, amber and wood, and which is thought as being ideal for that romantic evening with that someone special.

So In Love is another of the fan favorites, and it offers notes of rose, violet leaves, cognac, jasmine, honey, and ylang-ylang. It is definitely a fresh, fruity and feminine fragrance, with a touch of fun that cannot be avoided.

Choosing the Right Perfume for you

You may be overwhelmed by the multitude of options at first, as there are not only those that were mentioned here, but plenty more as well, however there are a few things to consider which will help you to make your decision. For one, you need to remember that every fragrance smells differently depending on whom is wearing it, and so what smells great on someone else may not work at all on you. You also want to consider cost, because some fragrances are going to be more expensive than you can afford.

Even just these two factors can help incredibly in terms of narrowing down your options, to help you to make the right decision on a perfume overall. Just remember to take your time and have fun with it when you are choosing something such as perfume, because it should definitely be something that you should enjoy yourself while doing.

Vera Wang Perfume And More

Vera Wang is a very well known fashion designer based in New York City. Vera Wang is well known for her line of wedding dresses, but also carries and designs a line of perfumes, the Vera Wang perfume.

Background On Vera Wang Perfume And Clothing

Vera Wang was born June 27, 1949. While growing up, Vera Wang actually studied and competed in figure skating. She even competed in the 1968 figure skating championship, and was featured on a magazine as a skater to watch for. Although she did not make the U.S. Olympic team for figure skating, Vera Wang went on to become a very well known fashion designer. She began her career at Vogue magazine where she was a fashion editor. In 1985 she left and joined Ralph Lauren as a design director until 1990. After being in the fashion industry for so long she eventually opened her own fashion house in 1990, which showcased her well known wedding dresses.

Vera Wang dresses and clothing have appeared in movies, television shows and she has even designed outfits for figure skaters to wear. Her Vera Wang perfume line was developed as she has expanded her product line. The Vera Wang perfume for women was released in 2002, followed by Vera Wang for men, then Sheer Veil and the most recent Vera Wang perfume Princess.

The Vera Wang perfume Princess comes in a heart shaped bottle, and the other perfumes are bottled in the classic Vera Wang style of straight lined bottles. Many women have expressed the opinion that the Vera Wang perfume line smells “light and classy, floral with just a touch of spice.” This line of perfumes is a popular choice, and consumers seem to really enjoy the fragrance associated with the Vera Wang perfume line making it a top seller.

In addition to the Vera Wang perfume line, wedding dresses and clothing there is also a home line offered through the Vera Wang line of products. This line includes decorator items for the home and in addition, linens and bedding. Vera Wang has a very classic sense of style that seems to appeal too many, and consumers are glad that she has expanded her lines to encompass all areas of day to day living.

The Vera Wang perfume line will continue to grow, as well as her other areas of design. Consumers can enjoy the luxury associated with the Vera Wang name at many local stores.