Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What Is Organic About Organic Perfume?

We’ve grown accustomed to our food and cleaners being labeled organic – but perfume? How can perfume be organic perfume? And is organic perfume just as aromatic as inorganic perfume?

Organic Because

Perfumes can call themselves organic perfumes if their ingredients have been grown without growth hormones or in heavily chemical fertilizers. Most ingredients that make up perfumes are the essential oils of plants, resin, herb and tree bark. Animal extractions like ambergris (which is from whales) will not be found in organic perfume. Organic perfume is made only of the differing combinations of those essential oils, and without any synthetic perfumes. Most designer copy perfumes use synthetic chemical recreations of the original costly ingredients. And all organic perfume is cruelty-free, meaning it has not been tested on animals.

How Organic Is Organic

Because the organic industry is in its infancy, it is going through some growing pains. Not all countries can afford to have an organic certification system, although they might be grown according to organic standards. Some countries organic standards do not match other countries organic standards. But as more and more customers demand their beauty products as well as their food products to be organic, these kinks are sure to be smoothed out. You can still trust that an organic perfume is organic. Look at the ingredients to see if there is anything there you do not immediately recognize. There should just be essential oils, Vitamin E as a preservative and an alcohol base.

How Does It Compare

Organic perfumes are lighter and more subtle than synthetic perfumes. They are rarely ever overpowering like inorganic perfume. You may need to reapply organic perfume more often than inorganic perfume, but you won’t make any fellow passengers on a crowded elevator pass out. Some inorganic perfumes have ingredients to make the scent linger, but they also can be harsh on your skin. Some of the chemicals are thought to be carcinogens.

Organic perfumes may cost a little more than inorganic perfume, but you can be sure it is healthier for the environment and for yourself. If the demand is kept high, then eventually organic perfumes many become the norm and prices will drop. If you shop online for perfume, you will often be able to find sales or discount rates, because online stores don’t have as much expenses as real world stores. Some popular beauty stores like The Body Shop already sell organic perfumes for you to try.